Lock and doors SOS service specialists – a team of professionals consisting of highly qualified staff capable of quickly and accurately provide the necessary assistance related to the discovery, protection, strengthening and protection of your home.
We can open safes of any complexity without damage or with minimal damage, leaving the possibility of further renovation to regain its capacity. We can make keys for the lock, even in a case of the loss of the last key.
In some cases, especially the installation of the old lock and the construction of the door dictate the need to disassemble the door completely in order to replace the lock, even on the exact same model of the lock.
The service to open a car you may need when you leave the keys in the ignition got out for a minute, for example, on a gas station. Some types of alarm systems have such a function, that within a few minutes, they themselves are blocking the doors by central locking.
We are able to create electronic chip key copy for your house intercom and electronic locks. Our specialists needs your original electronic key to make a dublicate.
About company
Lock and doors SOS service specialists – a team of professionals consisting of highly qualified staff capable of quickly and accurately provide the necessary assistance related to the discovery, protection, strengthening and protection of your home. Turning to us, you can be assured that we will do everything possible at the highest level.
Our firm works round the clock. And always offer all options for protection. We perform all work: simply the replacement of the cylinder installation, conversion of the lock, and to the complex – installation of replacement locks, the mechanism of sorting out the door with welding machines and other tools.
When our professionals open the car, windows and locks of the car remains intact. We arrive at the parking place of your vehicle and using a special tool will open your car. Lock picking car is only possible in the presence of documents on vehicle, this condition is valid in our company for your security.
Certification and authorization
Representatives of our company have official permission to carry out work related to the opening locks of apartments, houses, and safes. Each employee of our company is obliged to provide you with an official document confirming your identity.
Our Benefits
Long-term experience of our company allows us to guarantee the best services.
Working hours - 24/7
We guarantee prompt service day and night, 7 days in a week.
You can trust our company. Confidentiality is above all!
We are able to work so as to leave your lock in working condition.
Our partners
Repair of Safes Doors Repair Auto Opening Opening safes Opening doors Iron door opening SOS Opening vehicles Unluck doors Auto
Locks Locks Opening SOS Service OfLocks Car SOS Locks Service Locks Lock repair Locks Service To Open The Lock Chip key for home intercoms
Replacement of locks To Open The Lock SOS Service Of Locks